Apply now for a grant for language courses
Apply now for a grant for language courses
From 1 January 2017 to 1 July 2017, employers can apply for subsidy for language courses for cleaners or other low-literate employees, according to the Tel Mee Met Taal subsidy scheme. With this subsidy, the OCW, SZW and VWS ministries want to encourage employers to invest in the language skills of their employees. With this grant, employers can be reimbursed up to 67% of the costs of the language course. The grant is intended for programs that do not fall under the WEB or Civic Integration.
It is possible for employers to apply for the subsidy themselves and to look for a language provider. Taal in het Bedrijf, part of TopTaal, provides language courses for businesses, practical and tailor-made. Taal in het Bedrijf has many years of experience with these processes in various sectors, including cleaning, healthcare and logistics. Taal in het Bedrijf has made a suitable offer for various branches that provides support in the administrative processing of subsidy applications.
More information? Please contact Simone van de Pol or Marlinde Boer. Bel 088 3742000