
Work market 2019

In collaboration with the Learning Helps Foundation! we organize a job market. The aim of this Werkmarkt is to help people from the region Amsterdam with a (language) disadvantage to the labor market to help them find a job.

As a co-signatory of the Covenant Amsterdam works for everyone, we know how important it is that people participate in society and that work and education play a key role in this. But we also know that too many people are still on the sidelines because they do not yet have a good command of the Dutch language and culture.

With this Werkmarkt we want to Amsterdamhelp people who have difficulty participating in society. Due to their language delay, non-native speakers regularly lack knowledge and self-confidence to find suitable work. Foreign speakers indicate that they would like to work, but that they have difficulty finding suitable vacancies. This can be a reason for not working and thus stands in the way of social participation. However, social participation in the form of work or another form of daytime activity is important because it improves people's health experience and well-being and because it contributes to social cohesion and the quality of life of people. Amsterdam.

The Werkmarkt will take place in Osdorp, in the New West district on 23 in May 2019.

At the Werkmarkt, non-Dutch speaking AmsterdamPeople can gain inspiration for their career, work on their self-confidence and come into contact with companies and organizations that can help them (in)directly in their search for (paid) work.

We offer the following activities:

  • Workshops: pitch yourself, use Social Media, make a resume, ONA
  • Work market with information stands
  • Speed ​​date with potential employers
  • Activities: CV check, career selection test, portrait photographer
  • Vacancy wall

Do you want to contribute to this work market? Which can. let a message and we will contact you.

Go to page labor market for the program and to register. You can register for the workshops up to and including 18 May 2019.


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