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Quality, quality marks and recognition

TopTaal stands for customized education of high quality. In order to demonstrate that we deliver and guarantee high quality, we are regularly tested by independent external quality organizations and certification bodies.

View of Work Quality Mark
Blik op Werk is an independent quality organization. Trainers who ensure that people can participate in society again, find paid work, start their own business, go from work to work, can stay healthy at work and follow integration courses are eligible for the Quality Mark. An independent inspector checks whether the trainer meets all high quality requirements. The Blik op Werk Quality mark is a star system. TopTaal has the maximum number of four stars.

Supervision in the classroom
In addition to the administrative and process control, Blik op Werk also examines whether the content of the lessons is sufficient. This check consists of a combination of a digital self-assessment tool and an assessment by a qualified inspector. He visits a number of lessons to see if the quality of the lessons is in order. The inspector's report showed that the quality of the lessons at TopTaal is excellent.

Satisfaction rating
The satisfaction rating is an important part of the Blik op Werk Keurmerk. A student who has followed an integration course at TopTaal will receive a questionnaire via e-mail or post. The satisfaction rating comes from all answers. A trainer must have an 6,5 to receive the Blik op Werk quality mark. TopTaal receives an 8 from its students.

NRTO quality mark
TopTaal has the NRTO quality mark. We have been tested by an external certification body and meet the high quality requirements. A trainer with the NRTO quality mark is transparent about products and services, offers adequate services, knows how to deal with customers in a professional manner, has expert staff and measures customer satisfaction.

Crebo (diploma) recognition
TopTaal has been one of the first private trainers in the Netherlands to receive crebo recognition. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) wants everyone to follow good education and prepare for independence and responsibility. The ministry has a central register with recognized vocational training courses, the crebo. The Education Inspectorate supervises these programs.

TopTaal is included in the Central Register for Vocational Education. This register contains trainers and educational institutions that comply with the quality code for training institutions.

Language agreement Employers
As a provider of professional language training courses, TopTaal is a partner of the Employers' Language Agreement. By participating in the language agreement, employers contribute to the language skills of employees by making language a topic of discussion in the workplace and by training employees. With the Language Agreement, we work with employers to promote language and share knowledge and experiences.


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