
Taalhuis Ede

Since the start of Taalhuis Ede, TopTaal has been a committed partner and ally. The cooperation between non-formal and formal offerings means that residents of Ede can count on an appropriate language offer.

The language house has a central role in referring candidates to the different possibilities to tackle the basic skills. When someone reports to Taalhuis Ede, the candidate will carefully consider what would best suit the goal he or she has. In addition, the project leader of TopTaal and Annelies Berk of the Taalhuis regularly go out to organizations together to talk about the subject of low literacy and what possibilities there are for people. Native speakers who have difficulty reading and writing do not automatically report. The common goal is to help residents of the municipality of Ede to become more self-reliant.

TopTaal is an important player for us.

Positive experiences

Annelies Berk of the Taalhuis: 'My experiences with TopTaal are positive. TopTaal is a very important player for us. As Taalhuis, we are not only there for people who learn Dutch as a second language, but also for native speakers who have difficulty getting by. We have a Taalhuis Steering Group to ensure that low literacy receives attention in the municipality and to coordinate the offer properly. TopTaal is part of the steering group and together with the other partners, WerkKracht, Ede Municipality, Malkander and Cultura, we keep each other on our toes. In addition, the TopTaal project manager regularly consults with the language house coordinator Annelies Berk about registrations, referrals, bottlenecks in the supply and how to respond to waiting lists.

It's great that TopTaal is also enthusiastic and that we can count on each other so much. We can now offer participants ongoing education. If someone is no longer formally able to continue, the non-formal offer will look for an activity where someone can maintain the acquired skills. Participants have really progressed through training at TopTaal, they indicate. I hear positive messages. For me, TopTaal is a social organization that has a real heart for the target group. "


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