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The cooperation with all parties is running smoothly

A few years ago, various initiatives existed for people with a great distance from the labor market. At the moment, the forces within the municipality of Woerden are bundled.

Vluchtelingenwerk, Ferm Werk and Blik op Talent are just three of the parties that help ensure that people with a migration background can integrate in the Netherlands. TopTaal is now also closely involved with this target group. While Vluchtelingenwerk deals with the reception and introduction of status holders in Woerden and the surrounding area, Ferm Werk is responsible for municipal duties in the area of ​​participation, work and income. Blik op Talent and TopTaal work intensively not only in Woerden but also at other locations to further promote the development of status holders.

Hanneke Steijn, policy advisor within the municipality of Woerden, sees that much has been achieved in four years

It is special that a municipality managed to realize such intensive cooperation with different partners within a relatively short time, says Hanneke. The lines are short and the representatives know where to find each other easily, which certainly benefits the service. Hanneke explains: 'The cooperation between us as a municipality and the other parties is running smoothly. If you specifically ask me about the way TopTaal operates as a whole, I cannot help but be positive. The colleagues at TopTaal are progressive, they think carefully and have an active attitude. They are also frank about what is going well and about the areas in which they think further improvement is needed. "

Serious partner

What Hanneke sometimes runs into is that the policy regarding student recruitment in the Netherlands is diffuse. 'Every municipality works differently. But if a Syrian participant has started a course with us, and is no longer in the mood, he will stop. This is also because some language providers offer beautiful presents. Then there is a good chance that he or she will register elsewhere. As a municipality, we suffer from this because we try to arrange our affairs as well as possible. Then such practices do not help. "

TopTaal is a serious partner according to Hanneke. The employees of the AmsterdamThe language institute is developing many initiatives for participants in Woerden and the surrounding area. 'As a policy advisor, I share this information with schools we work with, among other things. That means I have to be well aware of the backgrounds. What is its purpose? When and where will it take place? I often immediately go along with my enthusiasm, but if I have more information, I can fulfill my role even better. The beneficiaries in our municipality benefit from this. And ultimately we as a whole society benefit from this. Because the faster status holders integrate, the happier they feel and the better they function.'


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