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Theory practice

In everything we do, theory and practice are integrated

The most effective learning method is learning by doing or experiencing. At TopTaal there is therefore a lot of room for practice. We bring the practice in class or the lesson to practice. For example, with guest lectures from business people or with excursions to the business world.

We also made working visits with the students, including to Sodexo and a Van der Valk hotel. Margriet Breet, teacher


We work closely with other parties that are active in the field of language and participation and with the business community. (Future) employers can also influence the development of students by working with us.


Our lesson programs are always tailor-made. We think it is important that the goal of both the client and the student is achieved. That means that we pay a lot of attention to defining the learning goal. Based on that, we develop the training and seek cooperation with partners. Examples of learning objectives are finding a job, conducting a conversation with the children's teacher or collaborating with colleagues.

Work market Amsterdam



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