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Optimal preparation for work: dual trajectory for status holders

The Activation to Work 2020 trajectory will start in September. The success of the identical trajectory in Apeldoorn last year means an expansion:

The Activation to Work 2020 trajectory will start in September. The success of the identical trajectory in Apeldoorn last year has resulted in an expansion: in addition to Apeldoorn, the trajectory will now also start in Epe and several municipalities are interested. We are working with again Look at Talent and local voluntary organizations.

Who are the participants?
Participants in the dual track are status holders with a great distance from the labor market. It is difficult for this target group to gain insight into where their opportunities lie in the Dutch labor market. The profession they exercised in their country of origin is often very different in the Netherlands. In addition, there is little contact with people outside their own household and, in addition to Dutch language skills, it also requires courage and a guided step-by-step plan to effectively get to work. That is why three half-days of language lessons and one half-day of empowerment are given per week. The language lessons are linked to themes (for example: the city and your neighborhood, building networks, applying for jobs, Dutch work culture). The lessons are peppered with practical assignments. There are also external activities such as getting to know a neighborhood activity, visiting the library, etc. The empowerment day is aimed at developing self-knowledge in relation to participating in the Dutch work culture: who am I, what do I want and what can I do?

The language lessons are linked to themes (for example: the city and your neighborhood, building networks, applying for jobs, Dutch work culture)

Where are the opportunities and possibilities
It is essential that participants get a good idea of ​​where their opportunities and possibilities lie and get a vivid picture of this in practice. We achieve this by going to companies and showing what the work entails, what is expected of you and what the possibilities are. The activities are in line with the personal goals of the participants. From the start of the process, there is close cooperation with the municipality's customer manager.

In the registration and intake phase, attention is paid to the personal objectives of the participant together with the customer manager. This forms the basis and provides clarity, the participant knows where he is working towards. In the routes in Apeldoorn and Epe is also work company Lucrato Involved from the start, so that the transition to a supervised workplace is optimal at the end of the process.

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